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Hi!  My name is Lauren Chu.  Welcome to my high school art portfolio!  I'm a Conestoga High School graduate and joined the Studio Art program in high school my sophomore year and have had a great experience, and have learned a lot more in just the two years I've been a part of the program.  Art has been a part of me for as long  as I can remember.  I could always be found creating something from a piece of scrap paper to beginners' canvasses.  I began to do day camps in the summer in elementary school and seriously began focusing on art by the time I turned 10 years old, and art has become a big part of me ever since then.  Aside from art, I also enjoy city trips with my friends and family, dancing, writing, watching movies, and listening to music in my free time. 


I'm currently studying English and Studio Art at Gettysburg College.  I intend to graduate in 2023.


Some of my favorite places aside from Philly are San Francisco and New York City.  My family and I fly to San Francisco every summer to see my maternal cousins and relatives, and we visit New York City at least once a month.


Please stay tuned to my art page on Instagram for current and future art pieces created by me.  My handle is @laurenc_art. 


Thank you for visiting my page!

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